I say ; I say ; I say :|

Hi, my name is Amily (but my friends usually call me WAWA) I can`t believe I just introduced myself. That`s b`coz we`re not standing face to face. If we were, you can rule out my talking to you - UNLESS WE`VE ALREADY MET - I have always been worry of approaching people that I do not know. Whether it is out on a street or in a classroom. I have always wondered why I have a problem opening up, while others I know can talk to strangers :
People that I am not yet comfortable around will often ask my friends (girls) if I ever talk or laugh. This surpises my friends b`coz I can be the LOUDEST PERSON in the group when I am with them. -_-"
I act very d`ferently towrds people in public than I do whit my friends in private. I am more OUTGOING & TALKATIVE when I am around only people that I know well. When strangers surround me -I TALK MUCH LESS- I keep quiet b`coz I worry about the impression that I make on people when I meet them. I always choose not to talk to other students b`coz I FEAR they would think I was weird : so, I keep to myself.

My family is an important part of my LIFE, sharping my personality & behaviors :)

Shyness & conformity ?????? I know that they can be resolved, but for me it will take time. It will take some time for me to b`come more comfortable in sosial situations to gain courage to share my thoughts with classmates ;)

I look forward to the day that I can stand in front of a group of people & give a presentation without wondering if can make it through without a SHARKY VOICE & UNSTEADY HAND. haha :v

Let me end by saying "It was nice to meet you & I look forward to talking to you again" ;D

Hello Bloggie!

Fuhhh! Lamenye wawa tak update blog nih. Hehe. Wawa takde mase arr nak update blog. Ape2 pon, wawa akan majukan jugak blog wawa nih. Hihihi ^-^

awwh ~ saya mau balik kampong !

SINYUM ITU PENTING ~~~~~ <3  awww ~ demam - demam pon kene balik juga tau . (malam ni :- 9.15pm) hihihik . sunyi jerrr kat `MIRI . semue cousin kat KUCHING . syuk o o o kalau dapat sembang dgn mrk . rindu lagi rindu lagi ! hohoho . rindu sama kawan - kawan dkt MIRI juga maa . haiyaa . susaaa baaa ini mciam . kalau bole, nak bw mrk balik sekali . hahaha . **KALAU BOLE ok?* :P
The most foolish things in the world can tear apart some of the greatest relationships in the world if we let them. Don't wait until it is too late, reconcile the things in your life that you have left unreconciled and make sure that you never hurt anyone close to your heart. As we all know going through life can be very hard and very trying at times, try not to hurt the ones you love along the way, do what is right!


Just b`coz I don't talk to you anymore . Doesn`t mean I`ve forgetten everything about us :")

Hate this life !

Fucking hate this life . Sometimes I think it would be easier just to get a knife. I don`t know what to do, I'm crying every night . :"(


Hello` World ;D
Note to the world ::
I`m just a listener when it comes to blogger, but I enjoy reading what others have to say . KEEP TALKING ;D I have an attitute & I know how to use it :)
This is me !
What you see is what you get .
I do what I must & my friends will adjust .
Me PERFECT ??? Nawww ~
I don`t give any reason for anyone to hate me . They create their own little drama out of JEALOUSY -_-"
Got a problem with me ? SOLVE IT ;)
Glace at me, Laugh with me, Talk to me, Be with me .I don`t pretend to be someone that I`m not. But if you`d like to see me as someone who is gorgeous, rich & famous . THAT`S fine with me . ah-ha-ha-ha .
It`s all about me. DEAL WITH IT yawww ~ ;D 
Thanks & have a great day everybody ;)
If you know me more . You love me more :)